If you take 1-3 minutes to mindfully breathe before you tackle the mountain of obligations in your life, you will eventually come to “do more” and “do better” in the same amount of time! Mindful breathing exercises might feel like an interference or interruption, but they give your brain the energy boost it needs for improved concentration, fewer negative reactions and greater work efficiency according to a 2012 study conducted at the University of Washington.
Here is a simple formula and doesn’t require any special audios, space or gismos.
- Start the exercise by stating an aim to yourself like “I take THIS moment to prepare for my work.”
- Focus on your inbreath and outbreath, noticing and releasing the distractions as they occur for a couple of breath cycles… just as you have in the other exercises
- Now say something like, “Breathing in, I breathe ease into my work life” and “Breathing out, I breathe readiness to tackle my work load.”
- End the exercise by stating an aim to yourself like “Okay. Let’s go.”
Remember, it’s not the words that matter as much as the spirit behind the words. Engage a positive spirit and it will serve you well.
© Copyright 2013 Maria Hunt